As you’ve no doubt discovered, losing weight takes dedication and perseverance. But, you’ve also found that it is well worth the effort. The rewards of feeling good and having more energy are just some of the terrific benefits of getting to your ideal weight.
Now, let’s think about how you can keep that weight off. Keeping the weight from returning is very doable. Viewing your weight loss journey as having different stages, and following through on all those stages even if it takes longer, can set you up for long term maintenance.
So, as excited as you are about seeing that magic number on the scale, don’t rush out and proclaim “I did it! I’m done!” Take the time to settle in to the phases of transitioning and adopting the daily lifestyle and eating habits that will keep you at that goal weight. Here are a few tips to help you maintain your hard earned weight loss success and keep it off over the long-term:
Remember, you’ve entered a new life-long phase in your self-care journey. Surround yourself with the team that will help and support you, plan ahead, stay on course and enjoy your healthier lifestyle.
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