If you’ve ever lost weight, you have probably experienced the rewards that come along with it: The thrill of getting back into your favorite jeans, that feeling of renewed confidence, the fun of receiving a flood of compliments everywhere you go…. it felt great, right?
Then you had a setback. And before you knew it, your weight loss plan fell to the wayside. Perhaps you felt frazzled after a hard day and you dove right into a plate of brownies or the bowl of corn chips you were trying to avoid. Maybe that one indulgence triggered a downward spiral, leading you to ultimately regain the weight you worked so hard to lose. If this is your story, you aren’t alone! And all is certainly not lost.
Many people can lose weight, but keeping the weight off isn’t easy. For many of us, it can be even harder to keep weight off than it is to lose it. The good news? It’s very doable. People who successfully maintain their weight loss for a year or more know that it takes real work and commitment to keep it off. It requires big-picture focus and a long-term plan.
Here are some strategies to help you successfully keep the weight off.
Successfully losing weight can be a challenge. However, the rewards of a healthier life are well worth it. But keeping the weight off is just as important as losing it. By sticking to your healthy lifestyle, practicing the smarter eating habits you’ve already learned and making smart decisions, including using these secrets to successfully keeping the weight off, you will be empowered and motivated to sustain the results you’ve achieved.
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